Tickety Toc Musical Pufferty Train

Tickety Toc Musical Pufferty Train review by Bex

Available from all good retailers (3 Years +) “Toot Toot” out of 5

Parent View:
Bex is going through a real ‘Train Phase’ at the moment – so the timing for this toy coming through was perfect.

We’ve had the ‘Pufferty Train’ for about 3 weeks now and it seems to always be in play in the lounge. At just under 2 years Old Bex knows to push down the funnel at the front for sounds, enjoys pushing it around , pulling the carriages apart and rocking the characters on the See Saw – although I hear “Dixit Daddy” (Fix it) all the time as she can’t put either the figures or the carriages back.

This is a key toy for fans of the show and a winner with our little lady – she loves the toy!!!