Tickety Toc: It’s Chime Time DVD and Toy Special!!!!

Tickety Toc: It’s Chime Time DVD and Toy Special!!!! Review by Con and Bex

Out now on DVD (U) 7 Stars out of 5

Bex Tests the toys: Tickety Toc Clockhouse Playset, Tickety Toc Pufferty Train and Talking Tommy and Talulah

Available from all good retailers (18 months +) 5 Stars

Parent View:
Bex’s favourite shows are Peppa Pig and Tickety Toc – when I look back on her toddler years won’t be able to think of getting ready for nursery without singing the theme tune, saying ‘Bye Bye’ to Pufferty and racing back for ‘Chime Time’.

This show is just marvellous – its bright, fresh and very uplifting for the morning. As for the toys – they don’t leave the lounge. Both Bex and Con play with them every day and they’re really well made. Highly Recommended!!!!

Tickety Toc Special: The Kidz talk to Tommy and Talulah plus all the Toys!!!!

Do you like choo choo trains? – Baily age 3

Tommy – Ho yes! Tickety Town has its very own choo choo train

Tallulah – But he’s more likely to say woof woof than choo choo, cos it’s Pufferty the puppy dog train!

Can I go inside the clock? – Talia age 4

Tommy – We live inside the clock and don’t have too many visitors

Tallulah – But you could come and play with us any time – as long as we’re ready for chime time!

Why are you always getting into get in trouble? – Talia age 4

Tommy – Haha, we don’t get into trouble, we just try to help!

Tallulah – But sometimes it goes wrong! We always fix it before chime time though!!

Do you like parties? – Bailey age 3

Tommy – Oh yes!!!

Tallulah – Me too! Especially when we had a big surprise party for McCoggins Birthday!

Uh oh Kack Kack?! (Reference to ‘Tooteroo’ always getting into trouble?) – Bex age 2

Tommy – Hahaha – I love Tooteroo!

Tallulah – Me too! He’s my favourite owl!

Have you ever see what ‘Tooteroo’ gets up to? – Con age 6

Tommy – Sometimes we see him around Tickety Town

Tallulah – Usually he is playing with the spring chicks somewhere!

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This interview took less than one hour so both Tommy and Talulah were back for ‘CHIME TIME’!!!

Tickety Toc Story books and Sticker/Activity Books!!

Stickers and fun activities

Bex (age 2) On the new Tickety Toc Books “Mine…Tick Toc…dorry!” (“Dorry” is Story)

(Available now from all good retailers and ebooks available from Amazon and iTunes)