Manga: Blue Exorcist The Movie Hag talks to Atsushi Takahshi & Takamitsu Inoue

Manga: Blue Exorcist The Movie Hag talks to Atsushi Takahshi & Takamitsu Inoue

(Director) Atsushi Takahshi and (Producer) Takamitsu Inoue (Questions by Hag age 9)

When you made the series did you know you’d make a movie?

Takamitsu Inoue – (Laughs) Well the film was my idea…so part way through the series I decided there would be a film.

How long did it take to make the movie and what’s your favourite bit?

Takamitsu Inoue – About a year and three months it took.

There are little black demons called ‘Coal Tar’ – I the scenes where they are flying around.

Atsushi Takahshi – I like the scene towards the beginning where Yukio and Shimi are escaping from the phantom train on the break wagon. It’s a cool scene and one of the few scenes where Yukio actually gets some action. (Laughs)

Is there anything you’d change in the movie?

(Both Laugh)

Atsushi Takahshi – No (Laughs)

Takamitsu Inoue – There’s a lot. Too many to mention.

I’d like about ten minutes more of story. I’m not sure exactly where, but I think if we had about another ten minutes we could do something different with it.

Does anyone you know act like Rin?

Atsushi Takahshi – no one I know.

Takamitsu Inoue – What someone that goes around causing chaos? ….that would be trouble if I knew them in real life. (Laughs)

No there isn’t anyone so it was hard to find someone to base him on.

If you could be any character in Blue Exorcist – who would it be and why?

Atsushi Takahshi – Mephisto, because he’s very rich.

Takamitsu Inoue – Kuro the cat, because he doesn’t have to work. (Laughs)

Do you really think there are demons living among us?

Atsushi Takahshi – there’s no demons in Japan, but there are Spectres.

Yeah in Japan people believe in ghost and spectres….but not so sure about Angels and Demons.

Manga’s Blue Exorcist The Movie is out now on DVD and Blu-Ray – Review CLICK HERE!!!