Disney Into The Woods

Disney Into The Woods review by Maddy, Hag and Con

In Cinemas 9/1/15 (PG) Hag 3 Stars/ Con “TOP END” 5 Stars/ Maddy 4 Stars

Parent View:
I’d really recommend reading the Press Conference coverage on Kidzcoolit before seeing ‘Into the Woods’ (Click Here!!!). There’s quite a few spoilers in this piece – but it will give you a good insight into the movie you’re seeing.

Both Hag and Con really enjoyed this film – although I did notice Con (age 7) got a bit fidgety for the last 30 minutes which is unlike him. I would suggest – the best age is 10 years up and especially young ‘Tween’ girls that love musicals.

Disney Into The Woods – Con and Maddy’s Questions for the UK Press Conference CLICK HERE!!!