The Hobbit Extended Edition Boxset (2D/3D) Review by Hag and Con
(Please be aware this Boxset has a 15 certificate so Hag and Con have only seen the Hobbit content contained on the discs that was screened and certified 12A Theatrically)
An Unexpected Journey
Out Now on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and Digital Download (12) Hag 5 Stars/ Con “Infinity and beyond” out of 5
Parent View:
I understand the 12a rating (BBFC 12 rating on Home Entertainment for the same film) at the cinema but I was very happy for Hag and Con to see the movie. Would have been a PG in the 80’s and 90’s.
This is a much lighter and funnier film than the originals. It’s Lord of the Rings meets Time Bandits. There’s something a bit ‘Python’ about the feel of the movie.
Dependent on the child – I couldn’t recommend The Hobbit more. Genius family entertainment!!
3D Blu-Ray Review:
This is a good quality 3D Disc with no obvious ghosting throughout. The Hobbits not really reliant on gimmicky 3D moments and uses 3D in the most subtle of ways, emphasising the depth and scale of back drops during the action.
Stand out 3D moments – New Zeland backdrop shots, Dwarfs and Gandolf chased in Troll Kings lair, Tree Top fight, Eagles. A must for the collection.
The Desolation of Smaug
Out on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray (15) 5 Stars (The film is still rated BBFC 12 – with the Extras carrying the 15 certificate)
Parent View:
I had concerns about this film – I couldn’t work out how Peter Jackson was making 3 films out of a tiny book like The Hobbit – I get it now and the man’s a Genius. There’s a few scary bits with massive spiders and Smaug the Dragon – but no scarier than Doctor Who. Plus you get loads of cuddles during those moment’s so its a massive bonus as a parent. I suggest having a blanket at hand for Kidz under 12 (This movie is rated 12 although it was a 12A in the cinema meaning Kidz under 12 could watch the movie) – Kidz love being scared by monsters and this has some great jumpy moments. Highly Recommended!!!!
3D Blu-Ray review:
Wow, Wow, Wow – Every fantasy movie should look like this in 3D. As an experience there’s not much out there that can top this. The first movie had cracking 3D – but part 2 annihilates everything you’ve seen in the first. Naturally there’s incredible landscapes, swords, arrows and pretty much anything you can possibly imagine coming from the screen – but this movie has huge scary spiders, Smaug the dragon, plus Bee’s. Yes – so simple – but the bee’s at the beginning of the movie are just magnificent.
Stand out 3D moments – Bee’s, Butterflies at the top of the Forrest, Lake escape from the Elves, Ship sailing through the fog to Lake Town, Gandolf v Orcs, Appearance of ‘The Master’ (No spoiler), Smaug chasing the Dwarfs and The finale trap with the furnace. I’m pretty certain that’s the whole movie looking back on these ‘Stand out’ moments.
The whole disc is incredible – Highly Recommended!!!
The Battle of the Five Armies
Out Now on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and Digital Download (15) “TOP END” 5 Stars (Please be aware the first Disc of the film now carries a 15 certificate with the second part still carrying a 12 certificate. I would suggest watching the film before showing it to anyone under 15 and skipping any gruesome scenes or maybe reverting to a ‘Theatrical 12A’ cut of the film (12 on Home Entertainment) so that your Kidz can see the full Hobbit adventure)
Parent View:
It’s the end of an Era in the world of Middle earth. Me and my wife went religiously every year to see the LOTR’s films and The Hobbit movies were a festive trip for me and ‘my boys’ – Con being 5 when they started and Hag 8 years old. I’m genuinely a bit sad it’s over.
The latest movie starts exactly where the last one ended – and pretty much two and a half hours of battles.
This movie feels far more like a 12A film compared with the first two movies (the others feel like PG’s to me). It’s not a gory film – but there are some subtle decapitations during the action and a moment with a sword being forced into the head of a troll. I was still happy for Hag and Con to see the film. It’s very much fantasy violence – but I could understand some parents not wanting their Kidz under 12 seeing this content.
The Hobbit trilogy is just marvelous and it’s been a pleasure to watch. Highly Recommended!!!
3D Blu-Ray review:
Never has a film needed 3D more. The third chapter of The Hobbit movies is basically one massive battle for two and half hours with swords, arrows and monsters spearing from the screen. There are some beautiful 3D landscape shots and the battle sequences look magnificent with the extra depth. A must for the 3D collection.
Stand Out 3D Moments – Smaug attack on the town, All battle sequences outside the mountain, Thorin dream sequence with the gold, Thorin battle on the iced over river, Legolas battle on the falling bridge and returning to the Shire.
Also Available:
The Hobbit The Battle of The Five Armies Boxset (2D/3D)
The Hobbit (2D/3D) The Motion Picture Trilogy CLICK HERE!!!
Hag and Con with Andy ‘Gollum’ Serkis
Con and Bex with Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins)
Con with Ed Sheeran (The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug Theme ‘I See Fire’)
Dad with Adam Brown – (Ori)
The Hobbit – An Unexpected Journey UK Press Conference CLICK HERE!!!
The Hobbit – The Battle of the Five Armies Press Conference CLICK HERE!!!
Hag walks in the footsteps of J. R. R. Tolkien CLICK HERE!!!
LEGO: The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies – The Lonely Mountain CLICK HERE!!!
LEGO: The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies – The Battle of the Five Armies CLICK HERE!!!
LEGO: The Hobbit – Video Game CLICK HERE!!!
The Hobbit & The Lord of The Rings Movies reviewed by Hag and Con CLICK HERE!!!
The Hobbit (1978) CLICK HERE!!!
‘Sting’ Sword signed by Elijah Wood