STEPS: The Ultimate Collection – will Kidz still like STEPS?

Review by Hag and Con(Video Review later today)

Out now on CD and Digital Download 5 Stars

Parent View:
In answer to the question ‘Do STEPS have a relevance to Kidz today?’ the answer is a massive yes and in many ways more than any of the new bands around right now. Back in the day you had a choice of your POP acts – your nice group or your your naughty group. These days every band seems to be either slightly too Sexy in their presentation or the lyrics are very deep dealing with Urban issues – basically they’re all a little bit ‘Naughty’. Where have all the Cartoon Pop bands gone?

I can’t say STEPS were too my taste first time around – but as a Dad I really hope they can bring a bit of fun back to the charts as the Godfathers of a new era of artists in the same way Take That made the boy band worth listening too again with the likes of JLS and The Wanted.

Stand out songs for Hag and Con are ‘5,6,7,8’ – ‘Tagedy’ – ‘Summer of Love’ – ‘Stomp’ and the new bonus track ‘Dancing Queen’.

The boys have grown up with most of these songs being played at family parties and Butlins discos – so the material isn’t alien to them.

The Albums been played in the car in full about 10 times over the last 2 weeks with the call of “Can you turn this one up” from the back seats for the quoted songs above. This CD is a must own for any family over the Festive Party season – everyone will enjoy it.