Hatchimals CollEGGtibles review by Con and Bex
Available from all good retailers 1/5/17 (3 Years +) Con “TOP END” 5 Stars/ Bex “106, 66 and 1 Stars” out of 5 Stars
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Remember the hysteria around the ‘Hatchimals’ over the Christmas period? Well its very likely to begin all over again with these new mini coll’EGG’tible versions of the toy. The figures inside are similar to many of these products on the market – but there’s an extra element of anticipation surrounding the opening you don’t get with other toys as each figure is enclosed within the very cool Hatchimals egg. Kidz are going to go mad for this new extension to the franchise – and having a pocket money range available will extend the brand further to kidz who weren’t lucky enough to receive a full size Hatchimal Christmas. No matter the family budget – everyone can play with the Hatchimals now which is always a good thing.
All that’s missing now is a successful ‘Hatchimals’ TV show and I dare say that’s in the works. A must collEGGct for young boys and girls – Highly Recommended!!!
Hatchimals CollEGGtibles characters map!!!
Characters to collect and their Egg colours!!!
Hatchimals – Con & Bex Check out what’s Hatching review CLICK HERE!!!