Disney Channel First Class Chefs Family Style – Con, Sophie and Bex talk food with Gia Ré!!!
How do you make peas? Bex age 5
Gia Ré – How do you make peas? (Laughs)
Awww – actually I don’t eat that many peas funnily enough. But how I make peas is I get the frozen peas and then I sorte them with some butter and salt and pepper. Then a little garlic powder and that’s it. It’s a Peas-a-cake!
What’s the hardest thing about making the show right? Con age 9
Gia Ré – It’s trying not to – when you see something not quite right. Or you you want to stir something for one of the kidz. It’s trying not to interject and just stay by the side and watch everything that’s going on. And not tell them anything to do. That was quite hard.
Have you ever tasted something horrible – but being a presenter had to pretend you liked it? Sophie age 9
Gia Ré – Yes! So I was on the show called ‘The Squeeze’ with my Co-Presenter Dom. And we have a little segment we do blindfold food challenges. And he would deliberately give me one that was delicious and two that were disgusting. Everyone I picked mine blindfolded – he deliberately gave me the worse one no matter what I chose. So eventually I thought what can I do? So I just pretended to enjoy them. Pretend I got the treat every time. And I managed to trick him. Eventually he would just give me the treat – because he thought maybe I wouldn’t like that. Reverse psychology.
What’s the best cake you’ve ever tasted on the show? Bex age 5
Gia Ré – We don’t have any cakes on First Class Chef – but my favourite cake is cheesecake.
If you could choose one thing for the contestants to cook – what would it be and why? Sophie age 9
Gia Ré – The first thing that came to mind was Paella. I love that it’s just a mixture. You can throw anything in there basically. Lots of veggies, lots of protein. I like sea food paella – so prawns, crane fish and I’m salivating just thinking about it now.
How’s the best cook in your family? And what’s the best thing they cook? Con age 9
Gia Ré – The best cook in my family is by far my Dad. Don’t tell my Mum – she’ll disown me (Laughs).
He is really really good. And he actually a Jack of all trades. He’s very good at lots of different cuisines. He likes to push himself and experiment as I do.
His signature dish is a really really nice salmon. I don’t know what he does, I haven’t figured out the trick yet. But it’s absolutely delicious. And he can get me to do all the washing up afterwards because I’m in a salmon heaven.
Who is your food hero? Sophie age 9
Gia Ré – Well if I don’t say Matt – he’s probably going to fire me (Laughs).
So I’m gonna say Matt Tebbutt!
The Chef that I work with on First Class Chef who is a British Chef and presenter and he’s really inspiring. And a good mentor and just all round good guy!
I hope he says some nice things about me – otherwise I take it back (Laughs).
What’s the best food for a food fight? Con age 9
Gia Ré – Jelly! I would say jelly because it’s kind of like…..to pick up jelly first if all that’s difficult. If you could pick up jelly and you can hold it so deserve to be able to throw that on to somebody. So I would say jelly because it’s a skill to revive it and to throw it!
Disney Channel First Class Chefs Family Style starts Monday 15th May at 5:30pm!!!