The LEGO Batman Movie – The Ultimate Batmobile

The LEGO Batman Movie – The Ultimate Batmobile review by Con

Available from all good retailers (10-16 Years) “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
This is a magnificent Batman toy. Its not the easiest LEGO build to construct as it tends to be a little fiddly in places – but once built there are so many key minifigure characters and loads and loads of imaginative play to be had. Con built a few easy parts but on the whole it was a bit difficult for him to construct and I built the majority of the toy. A must own for LEGO Batman Movie fans and a lovely ‘joint’ family build. Highly Recommended!!!

Con & Bex at The LEGO BATMAN Movie Launch Party in London CLICK HERE!!!

The LEGO Batman Movie Deluxe Costumes CLICK HERE!!!

The LEGO Batman Movie out now on DVD, Blu-Ray, 3D Blu-Ray and Digital Download – Review CLICK HERE!!!

“We are BATMAN!!!” – Hag and Con with star of the movie Will ‘LEGO Batman’ Arnett

All products featured were supplied free by Warner Brothers and LEGO to review on Kidzcoolit.