Con at the Transformers Rise of the Beasts European Premiere!!!

Con with Dominique Fishback!!! (Elena)

Lorenzo Di Bonaventura!!! (Producer)

Mark Vahradian!!! (Producer)

Youth #Gottit: Con talks to Producers Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Mark Vahradian CLICK HERE!!!

Con with Premiere guest David Harewood!!!

Con with our mate (Red Carpet warm up host) Hakeem Onibudo!!!

Movie Time!!!

Con with Anthony Ramos!!! (Noah)

Con talks Transform Noise & Transformer Downtime with Transformers ROTB, Anthony Ramos, Dominique Fishback & Toby Nwigwe CLICK HERE!!!

Con chats Being a Transformer and Transformer Pets with Transformers Rise Of The Beasts Director, Steven Caple Jr CLICK HERE!!!

Con talks Transforming Cars and being an Ally to Prime with Transformers Rise Of The Beasts Producer, Lorenzo Di Bonaventura CLICK HERE!!!

Transformers Rise of the Beasts in Cinemas 8/6/23 – Review CLICK HERE!!!