RAA RAA The Noisy Lion Creator ‘Curtis Jobling’ answers Kidz Random Questions!!!

Why Do Lions Roar? Maya age 4

Lion’s roar, in my world, because they’re noisy wee fellows who like to be the centre of attention. You’ll find once you get into school that there’s one boy or girl in your class who’s a bit of a force of nature. In the world of the Jingly Jangly Jungle, that little person is Raa Raa, the noisy lion, and his roars help him to get everyone’s attention!

Why did you choose a Lion? Con age 4

It seemed like the noisiest animal out there – the idea for Raa Raa came during a long and tiresome car journey where I tried to keep my own children amused by a game of Old MacDonald’s Farm. We soon ran out of farm animals so I threw a lion into the mix and an idea was born!

What is your favourite book? Joseph age 6

My favourite picture book would be “Where the Wild Things Are”, while my favourite books of all time would have to be (cheating a bit) “The Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings”

What do you eat in the mornings? – Freddie and Joe age7

Ooh, occasionally I skip breakfast – very naughty – but if I’m peckish then I’ll have a bowl of granola cereal. If I’m in a hotel, chances are I’m going to hammer that Full English!

Have you actually made clay RAA RAA? Hag age 7

Raa Raa isn’t made out of clay. He’s sculpted in plasticine initially, and then we take a mould of the model, building a metal skeleton (‘armature’) that can then be popped into the mould. We then inject silicone rubber into the mould around the armature and – voila – there’s our noisy little lion. It’s Aardman (“Wallace & Gromit”) who are best known for ‘claymation’.

Why are they all the characters animals? Con age 4

Animals are a lot more fun and cuddly than humans for a preschool show 😉

Who’s your favourite character? Hag age 7

It’s either Huffty or Ooo Ooo I think.

Do Lions Purr? Maya age 4

If you tickle their tummies for long enough.

Who is RAA RAA’s best friend and why? Will age 6

I suspect its Huffty, though I might be wrong. To be honest, all the animals in the Jingly Jangly Jungle are his best friends, but he gets up to a lot of scrapes and adventures with our cheeky wee elephant.

How loud can you roar? Hag age 7

You’ll have to take my word when I tell you I have a tremendous roar, usually best witnessed when I walk into my children’s bedrooms and find that the room is upside down with clothes and toys everywhere!

What’s RAA RAA’s favourite food? Charlotte age 4

Oddly, for a lion, he’s not that fussy on eating Zebra. He does like a nice butty, mind you!
In the future are you adding any new characters – if yes who? Hag age 7
I would love to introduce new characters to the series – I have a supporting cast of six other characters just waiting to be introduced – but there’s no hurry presently, as there are lots of adventures our core cast can get up to between them for the time being.

FOLLOW CURTIS on twitter @CurtisJobling

READ MORE ABOUT HIS NOVELS on www.wereworldbooks.com