Air Hogs: TITAN review by Hag and Con
Available from all good Retailers (5 Years +) Hag 5 Stars/ Con “TOP END” 5 Stars
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TITAN is just magnificent. The moment the large plane arrived – Hag and Con were desperate to get outside and launch the toy. The plane is easy to build, incredibly light, flies perfectly with very little effort and considering its large size deconstructs easily and stores well in a convenient package. Also – TITAN can take quite a pounding without being damaged.
When playing with TITAN be mindful of flight around trees – at one point during this reviewing session I did need to climb a large tree to retrieve our new plane.
In all honestly this is one of the best toys Kidzcoolit has ever reviewed – such a simple idea but everything about TITAN is exciting. TITAN is a beautiful looking toy with bundles of outdoor play. Highly Recommended this summer!!!