Barbie and The Secret Door: The Barbie Singing Academy – A & E meet Yvie Burnett
A & E with the one…the only….Barbie!!!
A & E with Yvie Burnett
Razzamataz schools across the UK 30/8/13 (Ages 3 to 8 years old) 5 Stars
Parent View:
On Saturday A&E (who are seven and a half) attended the launch of the Barbie & The Secret Door Singing master-class with Yvie Burnett (the vocal coach on The Voice) to promote the rollout of the Razzamataz Theatre Schools Barbie™ themed Singing Academy – which is a special free workshop taking place in participating Razzamataz schools across the UK. It is open to children aged 3-8 years old and will run on Saturday 30th August 2014. They also met Barbie herself and had an exclusive preview of the new Barbie™ DVD – Barbie™ & The Secret Door. They thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and I would fully recommend aspiring young singers to attend the classes. The girls also loved the film and have been playing Barbie games ever-since and singing the song from the movie. To sign up for the classes check out
Barbie and The Secret Door on DVD 1st September!!!