Beano and The Dandy 2018 Annuals

Beano and The Dandy 2018 Annuals review by Con

Available from all good retailers (Parragon Books Ltd) “TOP END” 5 Stars

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These annual’s are one of the highlights of the year for Con. He is Beano mad and reads the comic religiously every week. Con has already read these Beano and Dandy annuals at least ten times from cover to cover and much like the past annuals will return to his favourite sections throughout the year. A must own for old and new fans – Highly Recommended!!!

CBBC – Hag, Con and Bex at the Dennis and Gnasher Unleashed London Premiere CLICK HERE!!!

Con talks to the voice of ‘Dennis and Gnasher Unleashed’ Dennis the Menace Freddie Fox CLICK HERE!!!