Building Star Wars: Lego and Revell Easy Kits

Revell: Easy Kit (Millenium Falcon) Review by Hag

Out now from all good retailers or visit for details (Age 8 years +) 5 Stars

Parent View:
The Revell Millennium Falcon is actually quite challenging – Hag needed to be helped regularly. Hag built the small parts while I was in charge of cutting out the many pieces (For safety) and dealt with the more frustrating moments like attaching the top of the Falcon to the bottom (without all the other bit falling out). Overall this is a brilliant Kit with plenty of play when completed.

Be aware that the connecting joints for the top and bottom guns are quite fragile. If they break they’re easily glued – but obviously try not to break them by gripping the joints while inserting the guns.

Lego: Republic Frigate – Review by Hag and Con

Out now from all good retailers (9-14 years) 5 Stars

Parent View:
Targeted at Kidz aged 9 years and older – but also a great project for parent and kidz of any age to enjoy together.
Both Hag and Con really enjoyed this Lego kit – Con making the figures and helping to find pieces with Hag taking the main constructor role. Bizarrely this project became a form of ‘Family coffee table’ Lego kit – with Uncles and Aunties(Popping in over Xmas) helping the kidz from time to time. Fantastic model – really well made with loads of play.

Revell: Easy Kit (Tie Fighter) Review by Joseph

Out now from all good retailers or visit for details (Age 8 years +) 4 Stars

Parent View:
These models are correctly targeted at Kidz age 8 years and up. At 6 Years old Joseph had some of the ability needed to make the kit but needed a little help from Dad. Its always nice for Kidz to have an excuse to work on a project with their parents in these busy times – so I wouldn’t write off 5 year old up being bought a Revell Easy Kit as gift. Best bit – no need for Glue – so no mess!!

LEGO: Pod Racers – Review by Hag

Out now from all good retailers (9-14 years) 5 Stars

Parent View:
Targeted at Kidz aged 9 years and older – but also a great project for parent and kidz of any age to enjoy together.
The Pod Racers are quite a challenging kit to master adding to the satisfaction when completed. Very sturdy when built and loads of play for Star Wars fans. Really nice models.

Revell: Easy Kit (Imperial Shuttle) Review by Hag

Out now from all good retailers or visit for details (Age 8 years +) 5 Stars

Parent View:
These models are correctly targeted at Kidz age 8 years and up – although Hag has been building models from a very early age and was able to easily build the shuttle. He was very proud of his achievement.

LEGO: Naboo Starfighter – Review by Hag

Out now from all good retailers (7-14 years) 5 Stars

Parent View:
Targeted at Hag’s age group and he had no trouble building the Naboo Starfighter with Con constructing the figures. Great Toy with loads of play when built.

Revell: Easy Kit (X-34 Landspeeder) – Review by Hag

Out now from all good retailers or visit for details (Age 8 years +) 4 Stars

Parent View:
These models are correctly targeted at Kidz age 8 years and up – Hag’s usually fine with these models, although he found this one a little tricky to construct as you need more than two hands to keep the side panels in place. Hag loves the completed model – there’s plenty of play for Star Wars fans.