Con learns how to create an App game with the Noddy Toyland Detective Kuato Studios Team!!!

Con learns how to create an App game with the Noddy Toyland Detective Kuato Studios Team!!!

Pirate Ship outside the Kuato Studios!!!

Con with the Kuato Studios team!!!

Creative Director Kris Turvey takes Con through the early planning stages for all games. First steps – the idea for a game, how you think it will work and who you think will play it!!!

Next create a map of the world – The full Toyland map design!!!

Characters, Objects and Vehicles – Building 3D models for the game!!!

Con add’s wings to Noddy’s car!!!

Once the 3D model’s created a colour template is created and wrapped around the object.

You can literally create anything using a little bit of imagination!!!

Con meets the team and sees the game coding and design process first hand. In total fifteen People were involved in producing the Noddy Toyland Detective App Game!!!

Noddy Toyland Detective world and mini games design!!!

Con has some hands on time designing!!!

Con meets the producer of Noddy Toyland Detective – Jesper Hauerslev. Much like a film producer he makes sure everything is running on time, within budget and generally manages all requests and problem solves for solutions so the team can create a fun game!!!

Time to play the game!!!

And did they do a good job? Very much so. Its a beautifully crafted and colourful game that any youngster will enjoy!!!

Chris Turvey’s tips for Kidz:

1/ Create a game making group with your friends with everyone having a role in the production – including coding, creating the map of the world, model making and game design.
2/ Download a good Coding programme for Kidz.
3/ Decide on an idea between you and your friends.
4/ The skills you will learn will not just be fun – but also useful if you ever wish to create games for a job in the future. The same process for app games is used for all video games!!!
5/ You’re never too young to start creating games – search engines have all the information you need to get started.

Noddy Toyland Detective is available on the App Store and Google Play to download now and will be launched in the United States in March. For more information on all Kuato Studio Games and Educational apps CLICK HERE!!!