Disney Channel: Kirby Buckets – Hag and Con talk to Jacob Bertrand and Olivia Stuck
What was your first role ever? Hag age 10
Jacob Bertrand – I started acting when I was 4. The first thing that I did was a commercial. And I didn’t have my two front teeth – so I had a little bit of a lisp.
I still remember my line – it was ‘Grandpa….Grandpa… You’ve got to try this!’
Olivia Stuck – Well mine was actually a commercial, does that count?
No…no…no….it was a student film actually. I was so nervous because it was scary and I had to be in a elevator. It was very nerve-wracking – but it was fun. I think I was seven? No maybe eight.
Do you think Kirby Buckets is as epic as we thought it was and if so why? Con age 7
Olivia Stuck – YES!
Jacob Bertrand – Yes. Kirby Buckets is definitely super epic – because it’s just so funny with the live action and the animation is funny and the plot is just so rich. And it’s super relatable too – so it’s kind of covers every single thing and it’s super NEW!
Olivia Stuck – Exactly. I agree!
Do have anything in common with your characters? Hag age 10
Jacob Bertrand – Me and Kirby are so sweet on friendship. I have the same group of friends since about first grade – no, sorry…fifth grade. I’m a Freshman now – so in Ninth Grade. Yeah we’re both super big on friendship. Kirby’s a cool funny kid and I like to think I’m cool and funny so….yeah.
Olivia Stuck – In some ways yes. I think I’m sarcastic at times and she’s funny and I’m kind of funny. But in certain ways we’re a bit different – but I still relate to her for sure.
Do you want them to make a Xmas special and what do you think would happen if they did? Con age 7
Olivia Stuck – That would have been really cool. If all the animations in Kirby’s head were making things or decorating things – that would be so cool and so cute.
Jacob Bertrand – it’s my favourite holiday – so that would be a total blast to me.
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? Hag age 10
Jacob Bertrand – The craziest thing I’ve ever done is skate off this really big drop with a helmet and shin guards and everything. I don’t remember how high it was – but it was very high!
Olivia Stuck – This isn’t crazy, it’s just me being clumsy. I was hiking with my dog and this was about a year ago. We were on, not a cliff – but we were on thirteen feet drop or something. He sort of scooted down the mountain – and of course he’s my dog, so I got very worried and I rolled down and scraped my knee up. It was so wild for me – I was so nervous. I think that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done.
Catch Kirby Buckets on Fridays at 5:30pm on Disney Channel – Hag’s review CLICK HERE!!!