Disney XD: Hag & Con Talk Phineas and Ferb Star Wars Special with Jeff ‘Swampy’ Marsh
How did you feel the first time you watched Star Wars? Hag age 9
It was a game changer. It was so unique……you know, nobody had ever done Science Fiction like that. It had all changed and all of a sudden it became gritty and real. It was fascinating and you just wanted to consume every bit of it.
I think there’s a lot of us in this business that I think the flame for wanting to be a film maker was lit. Of that generation, that’s what really did it.
How did Phineas and Ferb get in Star Wars? Con age 7
(Laughs) Well…the way we set the story up is really funny. We didn’t want to just insert the characters and make a spoof thing. So we took the original episode – episode 4 and left that completely intact. That movie carries on exactly as it always did and our characters have a parallel story that intersects and intertwines with that one. You find out that Phineas and Ferb are Luke’s neighbours on Tatooine on the moisture farm next door.
They find they have the Death Star plans in the back of their speeder, realise what they are and have to get them back in the R2 before the battle.
So you see scenes of the original film and what we’re really hoping is that somebody will take ours and the original movie and inner tack our scenes into the film chronologically – because you can do it. (Laughs)
Do Phineas and Ferb sing along to the Star wars son in the new episode? Con age 7
They have their own songs. There’s a few – but they don’t sing-a-long to the Star Wars one.
In Star Wars would you be a Sith Lord or Jedi and why? Hag age 9
Oh I’d be a Jedi. We’ve always said…..I do the voice of Major Monogram, who is good and Dan does the voice of Doofenshmirtz – who is evil. And in real life – I am good and Dan is evil.
Do Phineas and Fern have lightsabers in the show? Con age 7
They do indeed. They have cool ones in the scene we’re very proud of. And you actually get to see Phineas and Ferb fight.
Ferbs is green and Phineas is blue. No wait – Ferbs is red.
If you had your own lightsaber – what colour would it be and what would the handle look like? Hag age 9
Mine would definitely be blue. I realised not long ago that everything I own tends to be blue. I never planned it that way – it’s just how it is.
I think if I built a Lightsaber the handle would look like it’s made of old Triumph and Norton parts. It would definitely have a vintage feel.
Are Phineas and Ferb either Sith or Jedi in the new show? Con age 7
The answer to that would be…..yes. I can’t tell you.
Do you think Phineas and Ferb’s inventions are faster than Star Wars ships – if yes why? Hag age 9
I would have to say yes! They’re able to take everything to a level just one better than 10. That’s just the way they role.
One of the first things we see in the show is Phineas and Ferb have a landspeeder like Luke’s but they tripped it out. It’s pretty impressive.
And we have Isabella as the starship Captain who’s a competitor to Han Solo. On the ship called the Centennial Chihuahua.
And according to her – she was on pace to do the kettle run in eleven parquets. Han cut her off.
What mission does Perry go on? Hag age 9
Well if you remember the original episode (Star Wars Episode 4) -Princess Leia says one of the Agents of the rebellion stole the Death Star plans. Perry is that Agent.
That’s our owning sequence – you see Perry as part of the Rebellion stealing the Death Star plans.
We are phenomenally excited about it – we’re as geeky as the fans. If you’re a giant Star Wars fan it’s got tones of wonderful little Easter eggs for you. If you’re not – it’s just a darn good episode!
Phineas and Ferb Star Wars Special on Disney XD September!!! (See the American Trailer)