Hag and Con talk to The Reef 2 High Tide star Frankie Jonas

Hag and Con talk to The Reef 2 High Tide star Frankie Jonas

Do you think its funny being a fish in a film? Con age 6

Hi Con, yes it is funny to play a fish especially when you are a person!

You’ve made quite a few animated films – do you prefer this type of film style? Hag age 9

I have enjoyed doing animated films a great deal. It is really
different than live

What’s your favourite fish? Con age 6

Hmmm…my favorite fish? I love to eat Eel, does that count?

If someone asked you what you’re famous for would you say your films or being a Jonas brother? Hag age 9

If someone asked me why I am famous I might ask back, “Am I famous?”
Ha Ha! I think people know me for my brothers, but at Comic Con all the really hard core comic lovers know me for my animated films.

My big Brother (Hag) picks on me do yours? Con age 6

Come on Hag stop picking on Con! Yes my brothers love to pick on me!

Have you big bothers taught you to play any instruments? Hag age 9

Nick taught me to play the drums. I have my own set now.

The Reef 2 High Tide is in Cinemas 25/10/13