Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures reviewed by the Kidz

Reviews by the Kidz of Kidzcoolit

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark – Review by Con (PG)

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom – Review by Hag (12 – although it was originally a ‘PG’ in the past)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade – Review by Joe (PG)

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull – Review by Milo (12)


INDIANA JONES: THE COMPLETE ADVENTURES DEBUTS ON BLU-RAY 8/10/12 (12) 20 Stars out of 20 (also available on DVD)

Parent View:
The Greatest family adventure series of all time finally finds a home on Blu-ray with this beautiful HD presentation. Packed with ‘Making of’ documentaries, interviews and the brilliant feature ‘Travel with Indiana Jones Locations’. There are deleted scenes – but they’re part of the documentaries and not accessible separately.

One to Four (Yep that’s right – One to Four) are considered by Kidz to be absolutely brilliant. If you’re Kidz have never seen an Indiana Jones Film, buy this box set today. Money well spent with plenty of repeat play – Highly Recommended!!!

As for the 12 rating on the box – most Mum’s and Dad’s have seen these films. You make your own mind up if its appropriate for your Kidz to see them – both my boys have.

(Also – Seek out ‘The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles’ DVD box sets – Hag loves this series!!!)

HMV Oxford Street, London – Indiana Jones: The Complete Adventures launch event (7/10/12) with Milo and Albie

Hag and Con at IMAX ‘Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark’ screening event 18/9/12