Boomerang’s Bunnicula – Hag & Con chat with Director Jessica Borutski!!!
Tea or Coffee and why? Con age 9
Coffee, I love the smell in the morning, I think it’s the best smell in my world!
If you became a vampire – would you be a good vampire or bad vampire? Hag age 11
I would love to be a good vampire, I would probably be a vegetarian like Bunnicula because I don’t like blood. I have a blood phobia!
What powers would you enjoy most if became a vampire? Con age 9
Flying and turning into mist!
What’s easier Directing, Producing or Animating? Hag age 11
Right now, I would say producing because that’s what I’ve been doing for a while now, animating is pretty tricky!
Bunnicula is a vampire bunny – when you were young what monster scared you the most? Con age 9
When I was young I was actually really afraid of ET, he use to terrify me – he still scares me. Also the idea of a ghost really scared me.
If you could make a live action version of the show – what famous actor would you like to play Bunnicula? Hag age 11
Oh that’s a tough one! Right now Bunnicula is voiced by Chris Kattan. I think I would like to keep Chris Kattan for a live action version, he does a really good job as Bunnicula.
If you found a vampire bunny in your house what would your first thought be? Con age 9
I would say AWESOME! I get to go on fun adventures now.
Catch-all new episodes of Bunnicula every Monday at 4:15pm on Boomerang – Review CLICK HERE!!!