Looney Tunes – Space Jam A New Legacy review by Con and Bex
Available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K and Digital Download 18/10/21 (U) Con 4.5 Stars / Bex “TOP END” 5 Stars
Parent View:
A brilliant love letter to Basketball, Gaming and Warner Brothers characters. In a cinema packed with very young Kidz – the only sound I heard throughout the movie was laughter. That’s money well spent for any parent – Highly Recommended!!!

Con and Bex at the Space Jam A New Legacy London Screening!!!

Gifts for the Kidz!!!

Space Jam A New Legacy – Con & Bex Virtual Animation Session with Eric Bauza CLICK HERE!!!

Marks & Spencer’s Space Jam A New Legacy Clothing review by Con and Bex CLICK HERE!!!

Bex talks to Radzi Chinyanganya at the launch of the Space Jam A New Legacy Bugs Bunny Statue CLICK HERE!!!

Asda – George Space Jam A New Legacy Shirts review by Con and Bex CLICK HERE!!!

Looney Tunes – Space Jam review by Con CLICK HERE!!!