Men in Black 3 (2D/3D)

Review by Hag

On DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-Ray 5/11/12 (PG) 5 Stars

Parent View:
We just love this film – before ‘Ben 10’ there was ‘Men in Black’!! Both Hag and Con really enjoyed the movie – although some bits may have been a little scary for Con (Nothing a hug didn’t sort out).

There are some minor swear words – but no worse than in Kidz movies from the 80’s. Overall this is a fab Family movie and a welcomed return from the Space Guardians. Highly recommended – we want a 4th!!!!

3D Blu-Ray review:
This is easily one of the best 3D Blu-Rays on the market this year. From start to finnish there are Sci-Fi 3D special effects – with a whole host of aliens, slime and weapons appearing from the Screen. This is a perfect example of what you should get for your money when you buy a 3D Disc. Highly recommended!! Stand out 3D moments – the opening in the resteraunt, bike chase, falling from building and space launch finale.

Hag and Ted at Home Entertainment event: MIB Agent Training Briefing – Monday 29th October 2012

Son….This will be the last suite you ever where!

Hag and Con at the Preview screening