Nintendo eSHOP: Nintendo Pocket Football Club

Nintendo eSHOP: Nintendo Pocket Football Club review by Hag

Hag keeping a constant eye on the game while waching his TV shows

Available from Nintendo eShop 17/4/14 (PEGI 3) 5 Stars

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This games been a bit of a revelation for Hag. He’s a big football fan, loves the FIFA series – but never played a football management game. We don’t really play PC games and most management products come though the PC. It is possible to play a Management version of FIFA – but he would always go for the ‘Instant action’ version of the game rather than a strategic side of FIFA.

Watching him play the new ‘Pocket Football’ its quite interesting – he doesn’t treat it like a normal video game. He spends time fiddling with his team, arranging the tactics and then presses play.Hag then tunes in from time to time to see how the team are doing while watching something on TV. I’m not sure Hag sees it as a video game as such – he’s treating it more like a pet in a Tamagochi type way. It football terms its like following you team throughout the week then having Sky Sports News on in the background to see how they’re doing while getting on with your chores.

With the World cup coming up – I can see this game getting loads of play. Nintendo 3DS/2DS is the perfect home for Football Management with Kidz!!!