Nintendo Classic Mini SNES – Hag and Con talk to Mr Miyamoto and Mr Tezuka about Star Fox 2!!!
Have you ever come up with an idea for a game that you couldn’t make work and what was it? Con age 8
Mr Tezuka – So there are some games that never came out. Even making Mario – there are so many times we almost didn’t release it. Because it was so much of a struggle to finish it.
Mr Miyamoto – So we always start off by trying to come up with one big game – one whole game. So we start off with, it will be fun if we make a person jump. And then from there it evolves and we starting thinking maybe we can make it fly maybe we can make it swim. So it evolves, it never where you have ‘we’re almost done with the game’ and we can cancel it. Its little bits and you try to make it better and better.
And so we always to start by making something fun – if there’s even a little bit of fun that evolves into a product.
There are sometimes when we come up and we make something that doesn’t go into the world. I don’t want this to turn into any kind of promotion but we have Star Fox Zero that’s coming out.
Hag – Oh yeah we’ve played that.
Con – Yeah I have too!
Mr Miyamoto – You’ve played Star Fox Zero?
Hag – Yeah?
Mr Miyamoto – But you guys probably don’t know about Star Fox 2? We actually made Star Fox 2 – But never released it. That’s what actually turned into Star Fox Zero.
The reason why – we had Star Fox 2 ready for release, but just too many competitors and everything was just too technically advanced. So we just didn’t want to release it anymore. And so we had the walker idea already for Star Fox 2 – and so we’re using that exactly in Star Fox Zero.
Star Fox 2 is finally available along twenty classic SNES games on Nintendo Classic Mini Super Nintendo Entertainment System out 29/9/17 – Review CLICK HERE!!! (Live 27/9/17)
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