Numskull Designs Tom Clancy The Division T-Shirts Review By Hag
Available from all good retailers or CLICK HERE (Sizes S/M/L/XL) 4 Stars
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No Kid under 16 or 18 should ever play a PEGI 16 or PEGI 18 – but that won’t stop games fans being interested in the festivities around the 16/18 rated franchises. Tom Clancy is a very famous author with some incredible books and movie adaptations. Now moving his stories to the games platform – the latest being The Division, all kids will be discussing his name. Hag is not aloud to play the new game as he’s only 11 years old – but he feel very cool wearing these shirts as he’s such a huge gaming fan. If you’re being pressured by your Kidz to buy ‘The Division’ as they don’t want to miss out on the hype – DON’T BUY THE GAME, but meet them half way and buy the the merchandise. Numskull shirts are really good quality and look really cool. Buy them a shirt and I guarantee you’ll be hounded less to buy something they really shouldn’t be playing!
S.H.D Emblem!!!