Robosapien: Hag and Con talk to Cody the robot

Robosapien: Hag and Con talk to Cody the robot

Why are you a robot, because you could be anything? (Con age 6)

Cody: I’m a robot because that’s how Allan made me. He’s my Dad, you know!

If you could have any tool that you don’t have what would it be and why? (Hag age 8)

Cody: Wow, what a great question! I’ve been programmed to do some pretty cool things, but it would be great to have a cloaking device so I could become invisible!

Why don’t you have weapons? (Con age 6)

Cody: I don’t have weapons because I’m a search and rescue robot. At least, that’s what Allan designed me to be…

If you had a hair cut, what style would it be? (Hag age 8)

Cody: I’ve never met a robot with hair – maybe I could be the first! Do you want to design a style for me?

Why did Henry help you? (Con age 6)

Cody: Henry is a really smart kid – there aren’t many boys who could have repaired me like he did. He’s my best friend!

How did you feel when you found out Kinetech wanted to use you as a Search and Destroy robot? (Hag age 8)

Cody: I was really scared and I felt sad for Allan too – he never designed me to destroy anything.

Why did you get all crazy in Henry’s room? (Con age 6)

Cody: After I escaped from Kinetech I got pretty badly damaged and my wiring was messed up real bad. I guess I just got a little crazy and confused when Henry switched me back on!

What’s the future for you? (Hag age 8)

Cody: I haven’t really decided. I’m really enjoying hangin’ with Henry right now. Our last adventure was big enough to last us for a long long

Robosapien is out on DVD 27/5/13 Review CLICK HERE!!!