Space Jam A New Legacy – Con & Bex Virtual Animation Session with Eric Bauza!!!
Con and Bex all set up for a Looney Tunes Virtual Animation Session with Eric Bauza!!!

Eric Bauza (The voice of Daffy Duck, Marvin The Martian and Elmer Fudd in the Movie) teaching Con and Bex from LA!!!

Pencils at the Ready!!!

What made you want to work in animation? Bex age 9
Eric Bauza – Oh man. It seemed like a lot of fun. At the end of the day you could do whatever you want in this world, but hopefully you’re having fun doing it. Especially if it’s something that you love and a passion of yours. That makes it even better, that’s basically why I went into it.
I love watching cartoons and I wanted to make them. I have a five year old son and I watch cartoons with him too. He loves them!!!
Bugs Bunny!!!

Daffy Duck!!!

Space Jam is about Basketball. What Sport are you best at? Con age 14
Eric Bauza – Bowling. It’s on the Nintendo Wii – it still counts right?!!!

Who is your favourite voice to play in Space Jam A New Legacy? Bex age 9
Eric Bauza – Man oh, man. In the movie Space jam a New Legacy I voice a bunch of characters. I’ve been lucky enough to voice a bunch, but Daffy Duck is definitely my favourite to voice in the movie. And definitely my favourite character to voice.
(Eric changes his vice to Daffy) “I mean he is the real star after all!”

If you had a Basketball team – would you prefer to have Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck in your team and why? Con age 14
Eric Bauza – I mean Bugs Bunny looks good on a LA Lakers shirt but if you watch Space Jam a New Legacy, (Voice changes to Daffy Duck) “But Daffy Duck, He knows the fundamentals of Basketball. You just don’t ask Yosemite Sam to shoot the ball, that’s the only thing.”
I love Bugs, but I might have to go with Daffy on this one.
He’s pretty aggressive, you kind of want that type of player on your team!!!
Marvin The Martian!!!
Eric showed us that Tweetie Pie, Porky Pig and Elmer Thudd all have the same shaped head!!!

Con and Bex sketches!!!

Space Jam: A New Legacy Available on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K and Digital Download 18/10/21 – Review CLICK HERE!!

Looney Tunes – Space Jam review by Con CLICK HERE!!!