Man of Steel – Hag and Con talk to the young Superman Dylan Sprayberry

Man of Steel – Hag and Con talk to the young Superman Dylan Sprayberry

What did your friends say when you told them you were going to be the young Superman? (Hag age 9)

My friends were really proud of me….and there were a few of them that were really freaking out that was gonna play Superman. They were all really supportive of me and um….they were like ‘oh my God’ you get to play Superman and we’re sooo jealous of you. You know in a joking way.

Did you believe you were Superman when you were playing the role? (Hag age 9)

Ha ha ha…. I did actually. I started doing it and really being in the character and at certain points I’m like pushing this bus out of the water.

How long did you hold your breath for under water? (Con age 6)

It was a lot of different times doing it….um….I had to do a certain thing where I had to dive into the water from the bus and then basically float down the river until I was out of the camera shot. So it was like 10 seconds to 40 seconds… would just really depend. But I did do a lot of breath holding for the water scene.

What was the coolest thing to happen on set and why? (Hag age 9)

Well the coolest thing to do on set was definitely filming in front of a green screen….um…and a big huge tank to get the shots done. We did half of it in an actual lake and then half of it in a big old water tank.

Who is your favourite Super Hero? (Con age 6)

Well…definitely Superman – he’d be my current super hero. I read all of his comics and of course I read other ones like Batman. He’s probably my second favourite….um…super hero because he’s so dark. He’s actually kind of creepy in parts. And of course I love the Joker…he’s a Super Villain..Super Villains are awesome because they’re crazy.

Man of steel is out on DVD, Blu-Ray and 3D Blu-ray 2/12/13 – For Review CLICK HERE!!!strong>