Transformers: Dark of the moon (3D Blu-Ray review)

Review by Hag and Joe

(For more reviews from Joe click here)

Out on DVD and Blu-Ray 28/11/11 (12)Hag 4 Stars/ Joe 5 Stars

Parent View:
Firstly – this is the best Transformers movie yet and I love Michael Bay films – BUT…..Michael Bay needs to be told off and sent to the naughty step!!!

The use of obscene bad language in these films is inexcusable and although it carries a BBFC rating of 12 – which is correct – it is absolutely impossible to stop Kidz under 12 seeing this film. ITS TRANSFORMERS and it would be easier to lock a 4 year old in a room alone for two hours with a pot of sweets and say don’t eat any then stop them from seeing this movie.

Dark of the Moon is littered with minor swear words throughout, but any parents who wishes to skip the main offenders they can be found at 0:55:37 (F word) and 1:20:52 (W word).

I, like many parents, am allowing my Kidz under 12 to watch this movie as I’d prefer its watched under my guidance rather than in a bedroom around one of their older cousins.’

This is a great family film, but the swearing needs to go for number 4 Mr Bay you’re being a little irresponsible.

3D Blu-Ray review:
This is my first favourite 3D Blu-Ray of 2012. Transformers is the perfect platform to showcase 3D and especially 3D Blu-Rays. This disc is jam packed with ‘over the top’ 3D special effects – everything you can imagine appears from the screen. Stand out 3D moments (Although it was very hard to pick): The opening battle sequence in space, All landscape shots, Skydivers from falling helicopter, The Robot Worm attacking the skyscraper

Transformers: Dark of the Moon DVD/Blu-Ray Launch:Dad meets the man behind the Visual effects – Scott Farrar (Click Here to see Scott Farrar Movies – you name it, its there)

Scott talks about making the movie. Most interesting facts – It takes 15 weeks to create each Transformer and the Worm is the largest CGI Character ever constructed – wow!!!
