DreamWorks: TURBO FAST- Hag and Con talk to Turbo

DreamWorks: Turbo Fast – Hag and Con talk to Turbo

When you first got fast – was you scared? Con age 6

Yes, but it was so exciting I wasn’t scared for long!

What’s been your toughest race so far? Hag age 9

My toughest race was against Ace Gecko. It was so hard not to go fast!

How fast are you compared to a normal snail? Con age 6

I think maybe a million times faster. Or something like that. I’m not good at math.

If you could add one more thing to the snail world created by Tito what would it be? Hag age 9

I’d add another racetrack on top of our racetrack.

Where do all your snail gadgets come from? Con age 6

Skidmark is our team mechanic and inventor. He always comes up with crazy ideas!

Who’s you favourite racer of all time? Hag age 9

It used to be Guy Gagne, but that changed after my Indy 500 race 🙂

DreamWorks Turbo Fast is now on Netflix and Turbo is out on DVD, Blu-ray and 3D Blu-Ray 10/2/14