Nintendo eShop – Pokemon RED, BLUE & YELLOW

Nintendo eShop – Pokemon RED, BLUE & YELLOW Review by Hag, Con and Sophie

Pokemon RED Review by Hag

Pokemon BLUE Review by Con

Pokemon YELLOW Review by Sophie

Available for 3DS from Nintendo eShop (PEGI 7) Hag 5 Stars/ Con “TOP END” 5 Stars/ Sophie Stars TBC

Parent View:
Its twenty years since Pokemon was released to world – and what better way to celebrate than release the original games that started craze. Originally released on Gameboy – the graphics are basic and there’s no colour, but the game play still stands up to the new games. Hag and Con have not stopped playing these games. They love Pokemon – but they’d never played the orginal games. I can’t get them off Pokemon RED and BLUE now. Highly Recommended!!!