Building Star Wars Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace 3D: LEGO

Review by Hag

Darth Maul’s Sith Infiltraitor:

Out now from all good retailers (8-14 years) 5 Stars

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Hag really enjoyed building the ‘Sith Infiltrator’ and constructed the toy confidently pretty much on his own. From time to time I had to help reposition parts where he hadn’t quite placed them in the right section – but overall I’m pretty certain most 7 year olds would be able to create this kit even though the box recommends 8-14 years. As with all the Lego Star Wars Kits – plenty of play when built!!!

Anakin Skywalker and Sebulba’s Pod Racers:

Out now from all good retailers (9-14 years) 5 Stars

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Targeted at Kidz aged 9 years and older – but also a great project for parent and kidz of any age to enjoy together.
The Pod Racers are quite a challenging kit to master adding to the satisfaction when completed. Very sturdy when built and loads of play for Star Wars fans. Really nice models.

Naboo Starfighter:(Hag’s pick of the Episode 1 LEGO Kits)

Out now from all good retailers (7-14 years) 5 Stars

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Targeted at Hag’s age group and he had no trouble building the Naboo Starfighter with Con constructing the figures. Great Toy with loads of play when built.

NEXT WEEK: Building Star Wars Episode 1 – The Phantom Menace 3D: Revell Easy Kit

Plus in our regular ‘Building Star Wars’ Feature: The Millenium Falcon