DC Comics Batman Return of the Caped Crusaders

DC Comics Batman Return of the Caped Crusaders review by Con and Bex

Out on DVD and Blu-Ray 7/11/16 and Digital Download 24/10/16 (12) Con “TOP END” 5 Stars/ Bex “16 Stars” out of 5 Stars

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For me Adam West and Burt ward are Batman and Robin – I loved these two as a kid and my kidz have grown up watching the original show because I love them so much. This is ‘Classic’ classic Batman. We were so excited to have them back in the roles and its a brilliant homage to the original Batman series. I’m not too certain why the DVD/Blu-Ray carries a BBFC 12 rating. It seems a bit silly – I was very happy for Bex (age 5) and Con (age 9) to watch the film – Its basically Batman meets Scooby Doo. A Must see for Batman fans of all ages. Highly Recommended!!!

Con with the Family signed Batman picture!!!