Why do you do lots of dangerous things? Con age 5
I can’t help it! I don’t always think things through, but it seems to work out… most of the time.
What’s the worst thing about riding in a car with Chuck? Hag age 7
The constant screaming can get a little old, but I’d rather have Chuck navigating in terror than be on my own!
Why are you an angry one? Con age 5
I’m not angry… I’m Assertive!
What did you feel like when you found out your daughter was on your enemies team? Hag age 7
I haven’t heard of such a thing! Is there something you’re trying to tell me…?
What mission did you feel the bravest on? Hag age 7
The new episode “Fearless” (on Disney XD October 19th in the US) has me feeling uncharacteristically brave!
Do you want a puppy? Con age 5
Mutt is kind of like my puppy. A puppy that can go multiple hundreds of miles per hour.
What’s the worst thing about having a Dad that the evilest man in the world? Hag age 7
Everything is bad about it! It’s tough when someone you love is your worst enemy!
Do you like being Super Human? Con age 5
Thanks for the compliment 🙂 I do get a thrill out of adventure and try to push myself to the limit!
Do you like Rock N Roll? Con age 5
Texas loooves Rock and Roll! Yeaaah! Hichaaaww!
What’s your favourite Kung Fu Move? Hag age 7
Obviously the Texas Twister! TEEEXXAAAAASSSSS!!!!!!
How do you make your hair so puffy? Hag age 7
What can I say – It’s natural.
What’s the best thing about your car? Con age 5
Wow, tough question. Maybe the ultra sonic repeater? Or… The Whiptail segmented plasma thrower? Or… the way Roth fits into his retro rumble chamber? Or… You know, I just can’t decide!
What’s it like sharing a house with Kane? Hag age 7
It’s great! Mister Kane is the greatest, most powerful and awesome bestest boss and ruler ever!
Would you like a fast car? Con age 5
Mister Kane doesn’t like cars. I’m not allowed to drive one (but it probably would be pretty cool!)
The new episode “Fearless” on Disney XD October 19th in the US. The Brilliant ‘Motorcity’ returns to Disney XD in the UK very soon