Disney’s The Lone Ranger

Disney’s The Lone Ranger review by Hag

On now DVD and Blu-Ray(12) 4 Stars

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I’m not too certain why this film got such a critical bashing in the US – we thought it was great and I don’t know another journalist that didn’t enjoy it. Its pretty much Pirates of the Caribbean meets the Wildwest.

There is a scene about 20 mins in where a baddie takes the heart out of another Cowboy – but you don’t really see anything and its no way near as bad as the scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. The film might be a little long – but its good fun with a cracking finale. Ignore the grumpy Americans – The Lone Rangers fab and its got Johnny Depp in it!!!

Disney Infinity: The Lone Ranger CLICK HERE!!!

LEGO The Lone Ranger – Constitution Train Chase CLICK HERE!!!

Disney’s The Lone Ranger – Yasmin and Hannah at the UK Press Conference CLICK HERE!!!