Golden Bear CBeebies Twirly Woos Toys

Golden Bear CBeebies Twirly Woos Toys review by Bex

Available from all good retailers (10 Months +) “I like 3 and 4” Out of 5 Stars

Parent View:
We love the Twirly Woos – its as barmy as every other show ever created by the genius that is Anne Wood. But always a joy to watch with young kidz. Bex like many pre-school kidz loves the show and the toys are a must own for any fan. Much like Teletubbies and In the Night Garden – these new toys will be massive and they’re very very cute. Highly Recommended!!!

CBeebies: Twirly Woos – Bex at the Launch Party!!!

Alex Winters!!!

Meet the Twirly Woos!!!!

Great BigHoo and Toodloo

Chickedy and Chick

Legendary creator of the Teletubbies, In The Night Garden, The Adventures of Abney and Teal and now Twirly Woos – Anne Wood!!!

Lead Creative – Steve Roberts!!!

Twirly Woos Sketch for Bex by Steve Roberts and signed by both Steve and Anne Wood!!!

CBeebies Controller – Kay Benbow!!!

Bex makes her own Twirly Woo

Time for a Dance with the Twirly Woos!!!

See the NEW Twirly Woos on CBeebies!!!