Moshi Monsters The Movie – Dad visits Michael Acton-Smith, Steve Cleverley and Jocelyn Stevenson at the home of the Moshi Monsters!!!!
A message to all the Kidz from Mr Moshi!!!
Moshling Lift wall
Hag and Con’s questions for Mr Moshi – Michael Acton-Smith
Hag and Con’s questions for Steve Cleverley (Head Writer) and Jocelyn Stevenson (Producer and Co-writer)
What’s this?
…a slide to the ground floor!!!
Original Sketches
The first ever Moshi Monster by Michael Acton-Smith
Framed ‘Ultra Rare’ cards
Goodies for the Kidz!!!
Moshi Monsters the Movie: Out on DVD and Blu-Ray 14/4/14 – Review CLICK HERE!!!