Room 94 – No Strings Attached

Room 94 – No Strings Attached review by Hag and Con

Out 10/3/13 (10 tracks) Hag 4 Stars/ Con “Top End” 5 Stars

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No Strings Attached is a very catchy album. We really want Room 94 to be successful – they’re cleary very talented song writers and have great stage presence live. The band is a cross between The Vamps, One Direction, McBusted, Green Day and made up of three brothers and a best mate – plus they are really nice guys. Go buy this album – we’ve not stopped playing it. Highly Recommended!!!!

Room 94 Live: Access all areas – Con at the KoKo in Camden, London!!!

Con with Room 94 – Con’s ‘Random Questions’ for the boys CLICK HERE!!!

Signed question sheet

Con with his chewing gum from the guys and blue light from their Mum!!!