Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace in 3D (See Hag and Con at the Gala night)

Reviews by Hag, Con and Tobias

(Double Bladed Light saber and talking Darth Maul mask from Hasbro available in all good retailers now)

In Cinemas 9/2/12 (U) Hag 5 Stars/ Con 5 Stars/ Tobias 5 Stars

Parent View:
Classic Sci-Fi swashbuckling adventure film that never dates. Ignore any critics for The Phantom Menace – this is high quality family film at its best. Stand out character for Kidz – Jar Jar Binks. All Kidz love Jar Jar!!!

When the opening credits start, you’ll find yourself hugging your Kidz as all those feelings of your past childhood come back to you. I wonder if I’ll be doing this with my Grand kidz in 25 years time?

3D Review:
As we walked back from the screening Hag said he wished it hadn’t been in 3D – he just wanted to see Star Wars on the big screen and the glasses got in the way. As for Con – he didn’t wear his glasses for most of the movie.

Star Wars does look great in 3D – but like many movies we’ve watched lately at the cinema, the screen’s so big and the HD is so good you already have the theatrical depth you need.

That said I agree with George Lucas updating the films in 3D to keep them current with entertainment demands, plus its a good excuse to get them back on the big screen for yet another generation. The 3D’s good, I really struggled to see any ‘Ghosting’ – which is rare for an upgrade. Personally I prefer 3D at home – and this film will look incredible on a 3D TV. Stand out 3D Moments: The Podrace, all the space scenes, the battle for Naboo and first time you see ‘Star Wars’ in the opening scroll’.

Hag and Con at the ‘Star Wars Episode 1 The Phantom Menace in 3D’ Gala night 8/2/12 in London:
Jar Jar (Con) and Darth Maul (Hag) attract the eye of some passing Stormtroopers

Hag and Con play the new Xbox 360 Kinect Star Wars game

With Sith Lord Darth Maul

The Boys bump into C3-PO

Star Wars Legend Anthony Daniels (C3-P0) introduces the film

Hag and Con with Green Screen for Star Wars photo