The Dark Knight Rises (Toys, Premiere and Costume pictures)

Review by Hag

On DVD and Blu-Ray 3/12/12 (12) 5 Stars

Parent View:
Easily one of the greatest trilogies of all time is now completed with an epic finale. As with the other two movies – this depiction of the Batman universe is very much targeted at the adult fan base and less the Caped Crusaders younger followers.

‘The Dark Knight Rises’ is quite slow for the first 45 minutes and then bursts into an incredibly tense and exciting super hero movie. I would strongly advice that no Kidz under 12 watch the last film (The Dark Knight) unless parents heavily edit the viewing (skipping inappropriate moments) of the film so they can watch one and three and understand the full trilogy story.

We allowed Hag to see this movie once I’d seen it for myself at a screening. I’m happy for Hag to watch both ‘Batman Begins’ and ‘The Dark Knight Rises'(Both 12A at the cinema).

Now this trilogies complete – time for a ‘Younger’ targeted Batman franchise please Warner Bothers. Kidz love seeing Batman on the big screen – and these films are not really for them.

As for me – What a great adventure!!! (I’m giving it 5 Stars)

If you’re not sure about letting the Kidz watch the movie – how about they play their own adventures with the new ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ toy range – Review by Con

‘Bat-Pod’ and ‘The Bat’ out now from all good retailers (4 years +) 15 Stars out of 5

Parent View:
Con has not stopped playing with these toys and sleeps with them most nights. The fact that he hasn’t seen the film makes very little difference to his play – plenty of fun to be had with any Batman toys and these are really good!!!

More from ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ toy range

The Dark Knight Rises Premiere 18/7/12

Batman Costume

Catwoman costume

Bane costume

Bat Bike