Wii U Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush

Wii U Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush review by Con

Out on Wii U 8/5/15 (PEGI 3) “TOP END” 5 Stars

Parent View:
Kirby’s back and Con’s very happy what with this being his favorite of all the Nintendo games franchises. This game takes a bit of getting used to – but once Kidz get their heads around the controls and game play there’s no stopping them.

Much like all Kirby games its all a bit bonkers – but very colorful and bundles of fun. Highly Recommended!!!

New King Dedede Amiibo figure out 8/5/15!!!

Wii U Hag, Con & Bex get creative with Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush CLICK HERE!!!